A latecomer makes up for their missed Rak`ahs before the Imam performs Sujud-ul-Sahw


Q 5: I am the Imam (the one who leads congregational Prayer) of a Masjid (mosque). Once, when I was about to perform Sujud-ul-Sahw (Prostration of Forgetfulness) after saying the Taslim (salutation of peace ending the Prayer), but some of the late-coming Ma’mums (persons being led by an Imam in Prayer) stood up to make up for what they had missed before I had prostrated. Should they then have had to perform Sujud-ul-Sahw after they had made up for what they missed? A: If the Imam makes a mistake and performs Sujud-ul-Sahw, it is obligatory upon the Ma’mums to follow him in performing it even if they are latecomers. (Part No. 6; Page No. 19

A: If the Imam makes a mistake and performs Sujud-ul-Sahw, it is obligatory upon the Ma’mums to follow him in performing it even if they are latecomers. (Part No. 6; Page No. 19) If the Imam performs Sujud-ul-Sahw after saying the Taslim and the latecomers stand up to compensate for what they had missed and do not follow the Imam in Sujud-ul-Sahw, their Salah will be correct, but they will have to perform Sujud-ul-Sahw, after making up for what they missed, before or after Taslim.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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